A happy traveler is only as happy as their ride is ready for the trip, which means you will spend a lot of time as an RVer making sure everything is ready before a trip. Of all of the components that make your RV function safely, the electric brakes could easily be considered one of the most important. If you are having problems with the electric brake system of your RV, you are bound to be a little frustrated. Take a look at some of the most common issues that can come up with RV trailer electric brakes and the problems and solutions you will want to know. 

Problem: The brakes get hot while in motion and will not offer full stopping power. 

Cause and Solution: Even though this can seem like a major problem, most of the time this kind of trouble just points to the fact that the electric brakes need to be adjusted. Unlike regular brakes, electric drum brakes do not automatically adjust; instead, they have to be adjusted manually. If you are familiar with manually adjusting brakes, pull out your owner's manual for a few guidelines to follow and get to work. Otherwise, you can take your RV to a brake service center to have them professionally adjusted. 

Problem: You feel vibrations and roughness when applying the brakes. 

Cause and Solution: Electric brakes are pretty notorious for not functioning smoothly when they are dirty. If dust, dirt, and debris coats the brake drums or calipers, you will actually feel the dirt when you apply the brakes because you will feel vibrations or grinding. Use a dampened cloth to thoroughly clean the brake drums, calipers, and other components, and you will likely see the problem subside. 

Problem: Your brakes are not getting sufficient voltage to properly function. 

Cause and Solution: If your electric trailer RV brakes are well maintained and properly installed, there is a good chance any trouble you have with them will be related to electrical current. If your brakes are not providing enough stopping power, seem to only intermittently work well, or have other issues, it is best to have the controller and current checked by a brake professional. If one set of brakes on the RV is getting more current than the others, it can mean you have problems with the brake controller, but in some cases, you could be dealing with a wiring issue as well. 

For more information on electric RV brakes, contact a company like Burnsville Trailer Hitch.
